Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bitchy people

Oooh, I'm mad. Just at those people who can talk to you like you're a piece of crap. I have a habit of trying to say something nice, but it comes out all wrong. Like, "Wow, when is your baby due" to a fat lady. I did something like this today and didn't have a clue that what I wrote in an email that came out all wrong.

Then out of nowhere, the reply comes back, spewing burning fire and tiny poison needles. Like I'm supposed to just take it all in and not say anything. Never hearing an "I'm sorry", even after the incident was resolved. Oh, I apoligized, but the sender never did. Ouch, that hurts.

What is it with people?? It's okay to email or text message this way?? Is is alright to break up with someone this way?? When did we stop talking to one another? You can't hear the real meaning behind the message.

I doubt she realizes what she did to me hurt, just as much as I hurt her. We'll see. I guess I'll just have to wait until hell freezes over for that I'm sorry.

Well in the meantime, I'm taking my advice from Kathy Griffin and shout out that she can just SUCK IT! That makes me feel good. It feels good saying that, I like the sound and the hand gestures I make when I say it. I'm not taking this from her. I'm not letting her dump all over me and make me feel like I'm the bad guy. Donna the doormat ain't home, so she can just SUCK IT!!

Wow, I'm not mad anymore.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mom to Rock monkeys & wife to Popeye

Who am I?? Well, I'm just me, but I'm a mom to six year old quadruplets and I'm married to a US Navy sailor. He's currently deployed, so I am really a mom AND a dad for the time being.

I have people ask me all the time "How do you do it?". And I say, "I dunno, I just do". I also volunteer for the ship as a command ombudsman. It's not like I don't have anything to do, huh?

The boys just started first grade and lucky for me it's all day long. I am trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do now while they're gone. All summer long, they've been home, spending time with me 24/7. I don't know what it's like to be by myself anymore.

My house is a disaster. Hurricane Morgan, Kirby, Cooper & Wyatt have come thru here. I now just need a little Flylady, the Supernanny, the Clean Sweep team, and maybe a little Dr Phil to come over and give me a kick in the butt. Because the coffee isn't jump starting my day.

I can say that I am NOT perfect and that Jon & Kate have it all together and they've got 8 kids. Hopefully thru this blog, I can find the real me again. We'll just have to wait and see.