Friday, November 21, 2008

Yes.. I mean No

I have got to learn how to me a "NO' person. This "YES" thing is killing me. Then applying the "KISS" principle backfires into a WAIADM. KISS you all know means: Keep It Simple Stupid. WAIADM means What Am I A Door Mat?

Now, I've never heard of the Kitchen Sink Syndrome, but clearly my latest project has dishes piled up in it. KSS is where the scope of the project is not clearly defined. It just gets bigger, as the tasks keep getting added to the stack. I still have the same deadline. Ugh!

I'm just frustrated because clearly there was a lack of communication. Yes, Eric was right about the email thingy. The back and forth, exchanging information, and you can lose sight of your original idea. One little tiny phone could have saved me from KSS. And I hate doing dishes, almost as much as doing laundry in my house.

So today is a new day. I've had a cup of coffee, made the calls needed to put out the fires, and I'm now just waiting for those who need to call me back, to do so. Shari, you were right... I should have called Eric.

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