Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Went To McDonalds

The school is asking all the first graders to write short stories and are publishing them to share with the other students and staff. I had a chance to see a completed copy of Kirby's 1st short story. It is based on a true story. So here you go...

I Went To McDonalds
by Kirby Hale

Dedicated to my mom, Donna Hale

I went to McDonalds. It was fun because I was going to get a hamburger.

I got into a fight with my brother. I did not get a hamburger.

All my brothers got hamburgers and we went home. Do you know why I did not get a hamburger?

I got into a fight with my brother.

Now, this could have easily been another story called "I Went To 31 Flavors". You just need exchange a few words like McDonalds and hamburger, for 31 Flavors and ice cream.

I was thinking that he will probably take this "published" story to his therapist when he is older. I try to set some boundaries and he likes to push me. Maybe he's beginning to get it, since he did not blame "me" for not getting a hamburger. Let's just hope so.

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